Music saves, I often say. I don’t mean that in a small way but the biggest. It’s a gateway to inspiration, a key to dreams and a friend when you’re in need. These are peculiar days we’re all living through and I thought I’d put together a selection of music that I listen to. Not only in these peculiar times but especially now. All good music lists should end with Smile by Charlie Chaplin. There’s great hope and profound good will in that song, so that’s what I will do. On this Top-14, let’s begin elsewhere…

John Lennon - Imagine

Ties well into the end of the list. We start with what all great things start with, a wondrous dream.

Foster The People - Style

I just like it. It’s got a rawness and lyrically it’s just very cool.

Francesca Michielin - L'amore esiste

Because it does. Love truly exists. Sung in Italian just proves it even more.

Björk - Jóga

Björk, so hard to choose one song but I pick one, Jóga. An earthquake declaration of love. Stunning, just like her. In every single possible way.

Loreen - I'm In It With You

I stumbled over this song. Quite literally. I don’t know much about Loreen besides the fact she harbors a rather heavenly voice. This song though. Shook me.

David Bowie - Where Are We Now?

God I miss him. He always hit that mark didn’t he? That place in you that made it impossible to disregard. We’re a little lost without Bowie. Please come back.

Led Zeppelin - Kashmir (Live from Celebration Day)

4.20 into the live version from Celebration Day precisely. One of the greatest musical moments ever. If ever there was but one moment, close your eyes and feel all of the stars align at 4.20. All things dark and mystical, bright and beautiful.

IAMX - Think of England

In a way, this song saved my life. It came at a time where I was lost and suddenly, everything changed. No, not in a way. It did. It saved my life. I could have chosen the song I Come With Knives but that would have been too much on the nose.

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love

Because it’s the most beautiful pop song ever in my opinion. Again a life changing song. “I’ll protect you from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from your door”. Arguably the most beautiful lyric ever. I’ll always cherish it and I may just have to tattoo it.

Vacuum - Black Angels

I chose this one because I’m proud of it and I love to sing it. It’s a song of hope and strength ultimately. The defining process of ones destiny. The rejection of pain.

Emerson String Quartet - Beethoven. String quartet no 14 in c-sharp-minor, Op. 131 - VI Andagio Quasi un poco andante

Well there you go, Beethoven. VI is the most beautiful thing I’ve heard I believe. It’s simply everything, in a few notes. Beethoven to me was always the greatest, the most profound. His music is not of this world and yet he had the ability to bring it to us all.

Igor Stravinsky - Le Sacre du printemps

Stravinsky. My admiration is beyond. The Rite Of Spring and I do feel it reflects a lot of the emotions we’re experiencing in this time.

Depeche Mode - Where’s the revolution

Yeah, really. Because people, you’re letting me down.

Smile - Charlie Chaplin

«Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though it’s breaking. When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by.» This too shall pass and music saves.